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Bacton groynes

Bacton tide


Rachel fishingNot to be outdone, on Monday 23rd July 2007,  I too had a go at this fishing lark.

Back down to Cromer to get another rod from our friendly fishing shop, I ended up with a lighter, more flexible rod that suits me.  It was still however, cheap!

I won’t bore you with the details of casting repeatedly, waiting and then hauling the line back in.  It can get a bit frustrating, particularly when you discover that the bait keeps getting eaten.

Poisonous Weever FishThe previous day, we had a false alarm and a lucky escape by catching a weever fish.  We had no idea what it was at the time.  Is it a baby something or other?  All we found out was that while we took the hook out, the black spines stung a bit.  But the fingers tingled for a few hours after.  Time do do some research and find out what the story is on these little blighters.

My own first fishAnyway, a picture is worth a whole lot of writing and here for all to see is my own first fish.  A 0.7kg Sea Bass caught on a bait of frozen squid which is slightly more manageable to handle than lug worm.

How did we eat it?  Pan fried in olive oil and butter, with home-grown  potatoes hand-cut into chips not two hours after the Sea Bass came out of the sea.  Possibly the most luxurious fish and chips on the east coast!

If you fancy a go and need some instruction, the guys at are local experts and can offer tuition.  They provide the rods and tackle; everything you need to try your luck.

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